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Having a website is one thing, but is your website performing well? And by that I mean is your website bringing you clients?

If you’ve got the traffic flowing to your website but you aren’t getting any leads from that traffic, this post is for you.

It’s hard to know exactly what the problem could be, but I’m going to teach you the technique to get your users to take action on your site.

Think about what you want your users to do

The first thing you need to do is make a list of all the different pages on your website. Then after you’ve got the list, think about each page individually and what you want the user to do on that page. For example, If a user is on your services page, you will probably want them to reach out and book a call with you. 

Another example would be your about page. If a user is on that page, you might want to give them a path to check out some of your work or to find out more about what services you offer. 

Either way, go through each of the pages and define the main goal you want your user to take.

You have to tell people what it is that you want them to do, otherwise you might miss out

Have a clear call to action

Once you know the goal that you want your user to take, it’s time to call them to take that action. Create a section on your page that has a simple heading and a clear button that describes what you want them to do. Here’s an example from my own site: 

The heading reminds them of what they can accomplish by working with me and the button is in a bright orange color with the text “Book my free call!”  It’s simple, clear, and stands out from the rest of the page (in a good way).

Repeat the call to action

Now that you know the goal for each of your pages and you have a clear call to action created, it’s time to bring in the hardest part: repeating the CTA. If you have a longer page it’s likely that you’ll need to put that clear CTA in multiple places on your page. The last thing you want is a user searching for what you clearly want them to do, so make it easy for them! I like to put CTA’s in a few places on a page:

  • At the top of the page to prime them for what you want them to do.
  • After stating your offer. (Like listing your process + packages)
  • After testimonials (Offering social proof is HUGE)
  • At the end of the page as a last-ditch effort if they’ve scrolled through all of your content.

Now that doesn’t mean that you need to put your CTA on every single section. But repeating what action you want them to take allows for the user to take action when they’re ready and reminds them of how they can get the process started of working with you. 

with an online presence you can’t help but be proud of.


Stand out confidently,